
Cargo & Custom Clearance

Al Shohob Cargo & Custom Clearance

Sea Freight Forwarding
Worldwide Consolidation
Warehousing Services
Cargo Tracking Systems
Dangerous Good Management
Flight Chartering
Door To Door Delivery
Services Facilities

Al Shohob Cargo & Custom Clearance in considered as a unique company in the field of Cargo, Customs Clearance & transportation. We provide timely service to our customers in the state of Qatar since 1988 with a very skilled team located in our offices and at the borders (land, sea and air): 24 hours / 7days.

We offer our services in the field of cargo & customs clearance inside and outside the state of Qatar through our offices based in Doha, Abu Samra, Doha Port and Qatar International Airport as well as our shipping services to all GCC countries though our direct branches or worldwide agents.

For more than 20 years, Al Shohob group has been the only service provider for the Doha International Book Fair and we are the exclusive one for the International Trade Fair since 1997.

Sea Freight Forwarding Services

  • Sea Freight Forwarding
  • Warehousing Services, Distribution and Delivery
  • Door To Door Delivery
  • Custom Brokerage
  • L.C.L Consolidation
  • F.C.L Consolidation
  • Order Follow-Up Tracking Systems
  • Supply Chain Tracking Systems
  • Multi-Model Transport Operator
  • Infrastructure and Services Facilities at All Sea Ports

Air Freight Forwarding Services

  • Door to door delivery to most world – wide locations
  • Warehousing services, distribution and delivery
  • World-wide consolidation
  • Qualified personnel for handling dangerous goods
  • Option of carriers based on your cargo needs
  • Project work & flight chartering